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Broken detroit

Based on a true story
Strong & Beautiful. A perfect choice for display - July 2013. The city of Detroit officially became the largest municipality in U.S. history to enter into bankruptcy, with outstanding financial obligations to more than 100,000 creditors totaling approximately $18.5 billion dollars ...This financial bankruptcy puts Detroit under the international spotlight, and it revealed to the world the incredible beauty of the city. Abandoned Infrastructures in some parts of the city give to the landscape an incredible apocalyptic and destroyed look. In our opinion, Detroit is a really beautiful city and became an artistic playground for graphic designers and photographers. It really inspired us to make a font that looks as Detroit : Grunge and beautiful. "Broken Detroit" has been specially made for headlines and display. It's a strong font with wall-effects which give it a destroyed look. It will really help you to give some characters to your design. - 49 $